Men & Women

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If we do such things the WORLD will look at us as church as individuals and a family and say: We want our children to be like the children of COLW. We want our youth to be like the YOUTH of COLW. We want our YOUG ADULTS to be like the young adults of COLW We want our MEN and WOMEN to be like men and women of COLW And we will respond to them and say come to the church of living water where JESUS is the answer to all such things.

About our Ministry

As a church we challenge the men and women to dream BIG. Your old men shall dream dreams – To have God’s will represented to them in this way, as the others by direct inspiration. As men and women of COLW it is your responsibility to DREAM to see the SEEDS (children) grow in wisdom and stature. To dream to see the prophesies and the VISIONS concerning the children, youth, young adults and the church to come to PASS weather in your life time or NOT. In other words we are building men and women of dreams who are role models and mentors to the younger generation. The married couple: To be an example to their spouses and children both at home and church.

The single: To leave single life that is pleasing and brings honour to God As a results the younger generation will then also have a dream where the young boys of COLW will say “I want to like this man” and the young girls of COLW will say “I want to be like this woman” NOT Beyonce or Jay Z or Michael Jackson or any character the world portrays to them. Everything we do as church must be in line with our VISION. Therefore I believe building such ministries will help the ministries to play a part towards the fulfilment our VISION and also to fulfil the purpose of our VISION, which is to impact and bring transformation to our world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
